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How to Dim Your iPhone Screen at Night

If you enjoy reading on your iPad or iPhone at night before bed, you know how bothersome the intense screen brightness can be in a dark room, especially when you share the bed with someone else.

Even if you reduce the brightness to the lowest system setting, the light can still be intense in a pitch-dark environment, particularly with newer iPhones.

Apple offers features like Night Shift and Dark Mode to enhance the user experience in such situations. However, there is a hidden function that can make a significant difference in these moments.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to configure the Reduce White Point setting to further minimize screen brightness and avoid straining your eyes in dark places.

How to Use the Reduce White Point Function on iPhone

The Reduce White Point function on the iPhone is a powerful tool to decrease the intensity of bright colors on the screen, providing a more comfortable viewing experience in dark environments and helping to reduce eye strain.

This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on how to configure and use this function.

Step 1: Access Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Go to Accessibility

Scroll down and select Accessibility.

Step 3: Configure the Accessibility Shortcut

Within Accessibility, scroll to the bottom and tap on Accessibility Shortcut.

In the list of options, tap on Reduce White Point to enable it. To make it easier to access, drag this option to the top of the list using the three-line icon beside it.

How to Dim Your iPhone Screen at Night
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Step 4: Activate Reduce White Point

Now that the shortcut is configured, you can quickly activate Reduce White Point. Simply press the side button three times to open the Accessibility Shortcut menu.

Tap on Reduce White Point to activate the function. Your iPhone screen will become visibly darker, reducing the intensity of bright colors.

How to Dim Your iPhone Screen at Night

Step 5: Adjust the Reduction Level

To adjust the intensity of the Reduce White Point function:

    • Return to Accessibility in Settings.
    • Select Display & Text Size.
    • Enable the Reduce White Point option.
    • Use the slider to adjust the reduction level to your preference.

It’s best to do this in a dark environment to determine the most comfortable brightness level for you.

How to Dim Your iPhone Screen at Night
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How to Deactivate Reduce White Point

To deactivate the function, press the side button three times again and uncheck the Reduce White Point option. The screen will return to its normal brightness.

Additional Tips

As we mentioned at the beginning, there are two other functions that also help not to disturb your sleep too much when using your phone before bed.

  • Night Shift: Combine Reduce White Point with Night Shift to further reduce blue light emission. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift and schedule the activation time.
  • Dark Mode: Activate Dark Mode for a dark color scheme interface. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness and select Dark.

Using the Reduce White Point function is an excellent way to make your iPhone screen more comfortable to view, especially in low-light environments.

This function can help reduce eye strain and create a more relaxing environment for your eyes.

Try adjusting this and other settings to find the perfect combination for your visual needs.

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